Calling all Gardeners!
Why won’t my garden grow?!?!?
You’ve done your due diligence. You’ve planted, you’ve watered, you’ve ensured sunlight, your plant was growing. But then, something happened. Why won’t my plant grow? Why won’t my plant bloom? What is wrong with my plant?
These are all too common questions as a gardener. There are a lot of issues that your plant will encounter that you don’t have control over. Some of those encounters include: bugs, malnutrition, yellow leaf colors, black spots, purple/blue edges, disease, root rot, wilting. etc. The list of possibilities is long.
Plants are robust and want to survive. With your help in being able to identify and combat common plant problems your plant’s health will thrive and become hardy.
Garden Pest Control for 7 Common Pests
When is the Best Time to Water Plants?
5 Easy Home Remedies For What is Wrong with My Plant
6 Leaf Colors Causing Your Plant to Suffer
7 Rules of Wilting Plant Leaves
Sick Plant Identification – 3 Types of Diseases Killing Your Plant
How Much Do I Water? 7 Basic Reasons of Over Watering vs Under Watering
Do all these signs translate into how much do I water succulents? Again, you will be able to tell in the leaves, an under watered succulent will look shriveled and wrinkled. An overwatered plant will be mush and soft with almost translucent leaves. In both instances leaves will fall from the plant, however, they will…
Plant Bug Problems? How to Blast 4 Common Pests
It doesn’t take long for common plant bugs to infest and seriously impact the health of your plants. These infestations can harm houseplants, vegetable gardens, and flowering bushes alike. Luckily, these plants signal distress and pest always leave a trace. Here are some of the more common pests, symptoms of an infestation, and treatment plans.…