Printable Companion Planting Chart- Simple Planning That Increases Garden Health

Companion Plants Reduce Pests, Increase Pollinators, & Improve Soil

Plant the Companions Close and the Foes Far Away

Why do you need a printable companion planting chart? Experienced gardeners can tell us that there is a science to planning out a garden that goes beyond soil, sun, and water requirements. As it turns out, the arrangement of plants can have a big impact on the success of your garden. Certain plants can benefit from being planted together, while others might be detrimental to each other.

Plants that benefit from being planted together are known as companion plants. While it isn’t absolutely necessary to grow companion plants together, history has shown that there is significantly less incidence of plant disease and higher yield when they are grown together.

Lucky for us, experienced planters have passed on this information. Here is everything you need to know about companion plants, plus companions and “bad friends” to common garden plants.

Looking for a reference to take on the go? Get a free printable companion planting chart.

Fruits & Veg or Flowers

free printable companion planting chart

What are the Benefits of Companion Plants?

  • Repel pests. Some plants emit smells that have a repellant quality against damaging insects and other pests
  • Attract pollinators. Pollinators like bees, butterflies, and birds are more attracted to certain plants. Some plants can’t produce fruit or seed without receiving pollen from one of these pollinators. Some pollinators also repel or prey on damaging pests, adding to their benefit.
  • Improve nutrient quality of the soil. Certain plants are nitrogen-fixing, meaning they turn nitrogen in the atmosphere into a usable form that other plants can absorb and benefit from.
  • Provide shade or support for other plants. Plants with sturdy stems provide good support for climbing vine plants, and plants with large leaves or dense growth can provide shade for plants sensitive to excessive sun exposure.

If you are interested in increased reading on the subject check out this book, Carrots Love Tomatoes.

companion planting chart

Companion Planting Chart

Good Companion Plants & Unfriendly Foe Plants

when is the best time to plant tomatoes

What are Good Companion Plants for Tomatoes

Tomato companion plants: basil is best, and tomatoes also benefit from asparagus, carrots, parsley, spinach, and anything from the onion family

Foes: rosemary, dill, fennel, cabbage, peas, and cabbage, and potatoes

What are Good Companion Plants for Asparagus

Asparagus companion plants: tomatoes, calendula, eggplant, basil, cilantro

Foes: anything in the onion family, potatoes, carrots

how to cook asparagus

What are Good Companion Plants for Lettuce

Lettuce companion plants: mint, garlic, chives, broccoli, beans, radishes, and carrots

Foes: parsley can crowd out lettuce

What are Good Companion Plants for Squash

Squash companion plants: beans, corn, radishes, dill

Foes: potatoes, since both potatoes and squash are susceptible to blight

companion plants

What are Good Companion Plants for Cucumber

Cucumber companion plants: beans, lettuces, peas, and radishes

Foes: potatoes and aromatic herbs like sage and mint

What are Good Companion Plants for Peppers

Pepper companion plants: basil, onions, tomatoes, spinach

Foes: beans

What are Good Companion Plants for Onion

Onion companion plants: carrots, lettuces, tomatoes, rosemary, cabbage

Foes: beans, asparagus

What are Good Companion Plants for Green Beans

Green bean companion plants: corn, rosemary, broccoli, cucumbers, potatoes, and radishes

Foes: any plant from the onion family

What are Good Companion Plants for Melons

Melon companion plants: flowering herbs like dill and parsley

Foes: squash, potatoes, and corn

What are Good Companion Plants for Strawberries

Strawberry companion plants: lettuces, onions, spinach, squash, sage, chives

Foes: fennel, cabbage, kale, Brussels sprouts

Companion Planting Chart for the Entire Garden

Some plants are beneficial to everything in your garden. Many of these are flowering plants, which can add visual interest and beauty in addition to their functional benefits. Here are some plants you might consider growing along the borders of your garden, or maybe in a decorative container. 


Attract beneficial insects while repelling garden damaging aphids and beetles.


Attract pollinators and repel deer.


Echinacea is an immunity boosting herb that also attracts pollinators.


These flowers will provide a beautiful accent to your garden, plus they repel squash beetles and cucumber beetles.


Sunflowers are great for attracting pollinators and their sturdy stems can act as trellises for vining vegetables and fruit plants.


Borage is a flowering herb attracts pollinators and beneficial insects that repel or prey on tomato and cabbage worms.


This lovely aromatic repels damaging insects and other vegetable pests like mice.


Clover is a low-maintenance perennial that is a great nitrogen fixer, plus it can be used for medicinal purposes.

Credit daryl_mitchell


Alfalfa is very nutritious and is another great nitrogen fixer.

Printable Companion Planting Chart

If you are looking for more details, or just a reference check on the go, check out these printable companion planting chart .pdf for both flowers and fruit & veg.

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