Plant Information Database


Learn how to care for arugula along with its history and classification details.

how do you grow arugula

Hardiness Zone: 3-11
Soil Type: Slightly acidic to neutral
Sun Exposure: Full sun to partial sun
Annual or Perennial: Annual
Type: Vegetable

History: This leafy green vegetable is native to the Mediterranean region and southern Europe. We know that the ancient Romans ate arugula. It was even mentioned in the Old Testament of the Bible as well as the Jewish Talmud. It has been cultivated and gardened for centuries in Britain.

what can i make with arugula

How to Care for Arugula

How do I plant arugula?

Sow seeds ¼-inch deep and about 1 inch apart in rows 10 inches apart. Alternatively, broadcast arugula seeds alone or mix with other salad greens.

When is the best time to plant?

Plant arugula in a sunny garden in early spring for spring harvest or late summer for fall harvest.

Can I grow arugula in a pot?

Yes, you can grow arugula in a pot.

How much should I water arugula?

Arugula should be watered regularly.

Do I need to fertilize arugula?

You can fertilize arugula infrequently.

When does arugula bloom?

Arugula will bloom in spring, summer, and fall.

How do I know when arugula is ripe?

Arugula is ripe after three weeks or more of growth, or when the plants get at least 6″ tall, identify the largest, outer leaves that are big enough to eat and cut individual leaves off.

When do I harvest arugula?

You can harvest arugula once leaves ripen. Arugula is ripe after three weeks or more of growth, or when the plants get at least 6″ tall, identify the largest, outer leaves that are big enough to eat and cut individual leaves off.

What is the best way to store arugula?

Since you are storing individual leaves you should place leaves between paper towels and placed into an air tight storage container.

Is arugula a fruit or a vegetable?


What are the health benefits of the agave?

Arugula can help against certain cancers, including breast, prostate, lung, and colon cancers.

Salmon arugula quinoa bowl with cilantro jalapeño lime dressing

Arugula makes a delicious salad or protein bowl base. Check out this tangy recipe.

how to care for arugula
how to cook with arugula
Anybody gone into Whole Foods lately and see what they charge for arugula? I mean, they’re charging a lot of money for this stuff.

~ Barack Obama

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