Burro’s Tail
Learn how to care for burro’s tail along with its history and classification details.
Hardiness Zone: 9-11
Soil Type: Loamy, sandy, neutral/alkaline
Sun Exposure: Full to partial sun
Annual or Perennial: Perennial
Type: Cactus
History: burro’s tail, is a species of flowering plant in the family Crassulaceae, native to southern Mexico. With a minimum temperature of 5–7 °C (41–45 °F), in temperate regions S. morganianum is often cultivated as a houseplant in a suspended container, where the trailing stems hang vertically.
The common name burro’s tail comes from the resemblence of the trailing stems to an animal’s tail. The genus Sedum is a large group with numerous species in the stonecrop family (Crassulaceae). Sedum morganianum is a tropical species that has long been grown as an ornamental for its distinctive, evergreen foliage.
Keep the plant moderately and evenly moist. Excess water can cause the stems to rot and even kill the succulent. Burro’s tail works well in a hanging basket and decorates a mixed cactus and succulent container.
How to Care for Burro’s Tail
Common questions and details on how to care for burro’s tail.
How do I plant burro’s tail?
In order for your burro’s tail succulent to grow successfully, it should be housed in well-draining, sandy soil. If you plan to plant your succulent in a container (either to keep outdoors or to live inside), opt for a gritty soil mixture suited specifically for cacti or succulents. Choose a container that will help wick moisture away from the roots of your plants. A pot with porous material like terracotta or similar will work best. It’s also in your best interest to choose a container that has a drainage hole in the bottom, to make sure that your plant is 100 % not sitting in water. If you decide to play roulette and pick a pot with no drainage hole, you must layer an inch or two of gravel or rocks at the bottom. This will help the roots stay out of the standing water.
When is the best time to plant?
The best time to plant burro’s tail is summer.
How do I propagate burro’s tail?
Simply cut the stems to the length you want, peel the bottom 1/3 of the leaves off and then let those stems heal off (this is where the cut end of the stem callus over) for 2 weeks to 3 months before planting.
Can I grow burro’s tail in a pot?
Yes, you can grow burro’s tail in a pot.
How much should I water burro’s tail?
Burro’s tail should be watered once every 14 days.
How do I care for burro’s tail with fertilizer?
Burro’s tail prefers to be fertilized infrequently.
When do burro’s tail bloom?
They produce clusters of star-shaped pink to red blossoms that will attract bees and flies during summer.
Should I plant any companion plants?
Burro’s tail grows well with Aeonium Haworthii, Sedum x rubrotinctum, Euphorbia tirucalli, Aenomium.
Special Feature
Burros Tail is a succulent plant, which means having the ability to store water in its leaves. This helps the plant to survive in arid climates or periods of drought. It’s a popular plant to have indoors because it doesn’t require much maintenance.
Reach for the stars, even if you have to stand on a cactus.