Bloodgood Japanese Maple
Acer palmatum
Learn how to care for a Bloodgood Japanese maple along with its history and classification details.

Hardiness Zone: 5-8
Soil Type: Slightly acidic to neutral
Sun Exposure: Full sun to partial sun
Annual or Perennial: Annual
Type: Tree
History: The Bloodgood Japanese Red Maple was introduced into the United States before World War II. It is a cultivar named after the Bloodgood Nursery in Long Island, New York, where it was developed. The Bloodgood is commonly planted in gardens as an ornamental tree and is admired for its graceful and peaceful appearance.

How to Care for a Bloodgood Japanese Maple
How do I plant Bloodgood Japanese maple?
Protect from strong winds (which can dry out the soil quickly), and avoid hot and arid sites. Extreme heat can lead to distress; keep the soil around the tree mulched and adequately watered during hot weather to minimize damage.
When is the best time to plant?
The best time to plant the Bloodgood Japanese Maple is spring and fall.
How do I propagate Bloodgood Japanese maple?
Locate a suitable Bloodgood Japanese maple cutting at the tip of a healthy, vigorous young branch. Find one with a relatively straight, 1/4-inch-thick stem and plenty of young leaves at the tip. Do not use cuttings with signs of disease or damage such as discolored foliage or obvious wounds on the stem.
Can I grow Bloodgood Japanese maple in a pot?
Yes, you can grow Bloodgood Japanese maple in a pot, take care, it may outgrow the pot at some point.
How much should I water Bloodgood Japanese maple?
The Bloodgood Japanese maple should be watered 1-2 inches per week.
Do I need to fertilize the Bloodgood Japanese maple?
The Bloodgood Japanese maple likes to be fertilized infrequently.
When does Bloodgood Japanese maple bloom?
The Bloodgood Japanese maple will bloom from spring, summer, until fall.
Should I plant any companion plants?
Bloodgood Japanese maple grows well with Rhododendrons, Azaleas, Kalmia latifola (Mountain Laurel), and dwarf conifers.
What are the health benefits of the Bloodgood Japanese maple?
The Bloodgood Japanese maple can help with treat a wide range of diseases in East Asia and North America. Moreover, clinical studies have shown that medicinal plants belonging to Acer are highly effective in the treatment of rheumatism, bruises, hepatic disorders, eye disease, and pain, and in detoxification
How do you winterize the Bloodgood Japanese maple?
Applying a thick layer of mulch – up to 4 inches (10 cm.) – over the root area of the tree protects the roots from winter damage.
Bloodgood Japanese Maple Meaning
The Japanese Maple Tree symbolizes the balance and practicality. The Japanese call it “kito”, meaning calm, rest or at peace.

Trees are poems that the earth writes upon the sky.
~Kahlil Gebran