How to Care for Dogwood Trees the 13 Step Guide

Dogwood Tree Cornus florida Learn how to care for dogwood trees along with its history and classification details. Hardiness Zone: 5-9Soil Type: Dogwoods prefer moist, well-drained, acidicSun Exposure: Full sun or partial shadeAnnual or Perennial: PerennialType: Tree History: … Read more

How to Care for Blood Orange Trees the 13 Step Guide

how to care for blood orange tree

Blood Orange Tree Citrus × sinensis Learn how to care for blood orange tree along with its history and classification details. Hardiness Zone: 9-10Soil Type: Sandy, well draining, neutral to slightly acidic pHSun Exposure: Full sunAnnual or Perennial: … Read more

How to Care for Bamboo the 13 Step Guide

how to care for bamboo

Bamboo Bambusa Learn how to care for bamboo along with its history and classification details. Hardiness Zone: 8-10Soil Type: Moist, fertile, and free-drainingSun Exposure: Full sunAnnual or Perennial: Evergreen PerennialType: Grass History: The first uses of bamboo was … Read more

How to Care for Avocados the 13 Step Guide

how to care for avocados

Avocado Persea americana Learn how to care for avocados along with its history and classification details. Hardiness Zone: 9-11Soil Type: Loose, loamy, sandy, slightly acidic to neutral pH (5-7). Avoid poor draining or high salinity locations.Sun Exposure: Full sunAnnual … Read more

How to Care for Crabapples the 9 Step Guide

how to care for crabapples

Crabapples Malus Learn how to care for crabapples along with its history and classification details. Crabapples also fall under the overall Apple category. Hardiness Zone: 4-8Soil Type: Slightly acidic, rich soil with good drainageSun Exposure: Full sunAnnual or … Read more

How to Care for Colorado Blue Spruce, 8 Step Guide

how to care for colorado blue spruce

Colorado Blue Spruce Picea pungens Learn how to care for Colorado Blue Spruce along with its history and classification details. Hardiness Zone: 2-7Soil Type: Acidic, loamy, moist, rich, sandy, well-drained and clay soilsSun Exposure: Full sunAnnual or Perennial: … Read more

How to Care for Cherries the 12 Step Guide

how to care for cherries

Cherry Tree Prunus avium Learn how to care for cherries along with its history and classification details. Hardiness Zone: 4-7Soil Type: Slightly acidic to neutralSun Exposure: Full sunAnnual or Perennial: Perennial, but ground cherries are annualType: Tree History: … Read more

How to Care for Canadian Hemlock the 9 Step Guide

Canadian Hemlock Tsuga canadensis Learn how to care for Canadian hemlock along with its history and classification details. Hardiness Zone: 3-7Soil Type: AcidicSun Exposure: Full to partial sunAnnual or Perennial: EvergreenType: Tree History: It is a coniferous tree … Read more

How to Care for a Birch Tree The 10 Step Guide

Birch Tree Betula Learn how to care for a birch tree along with its history and classification details. Hardiness Zone: 2-9Soil Type: AcidicSun Exposure: Partial sunAnnual or Perennial: PerennialType: Tree History: Birch or Beithe, is the first tree … Read more