Canadian Hemlock
Tsuga canadensis
Learn how to care for Canadian hemlock along with its history and classification details.

Hardiness Zone: 3-7
Soil Type: Acidic
Sun Exposure: Full to partial sun
Annual or Perennial: Evergreen
Type: Tree
History: It is a coniferous tree native to eastern North America. It is the state tree of Pennsylvania. Eastern hemlocks are widespread throughout much of the Great Lakes region, the Appalachian Mountains, the Northeastern United States, and Maritime Canada.
This a coniferous tree native to eastern North America. It is the state tree of Pennsylvania. Eastern hemlocks are widespread throughout much of the Great Lakes region, the Appalachian Mountains, the Northeastern United States, and Maritime Canada.
They have been introduced in the United Kingdom and mainland Europe, where they are used as ornamental trees.

How to Care for Canadian Hemlock
Common questions and details on how to care for Canadian hemlock.
How do I plant Canadian hemlock?
Scatter the hemlock seeds over the surface. Cover the seeds with about 1/2 inch of soil and water until the soil is thoroughly moist. Leave the area alone until spring. Thin out the seedlings by gently pulling out the smaller and weaker ones, leaving the stronger seedlings to continue growing without being crowded out.
Treat them once every one to two years with products containing dinotefuran, or once every four to five years with products containing imidacloprid.
When is the best time to plant?
The best time to plant Canadian hemlock is in early spring.
How do I propagate Canadian hemlock?
Make a clean cut (no tearing or breaking the branch). To encourage successful rooting, dip the base of the cutting entirely in a rooting hormone powder used for woody shrubs and trees. Place the cutting in a pot filled with well-drained potting mixChoose a healthy piece of stem at least 10cm long and cut it off cleanly with snips. Use tongs when handling spiny cacti. For plants without stems, remove whole leaves by hand (don’t cut them off). Sit cuttings on a window sill and leave them until the cut surfaces have healed over. Plant in pots.
Can I grow Canadian hemlock in a pot?
Yes, you can grow Canadian hemlock in a pot.
How much should I water Canadian hemlock?
Canadian hemlock likes to have moist water, watering once or twice weekly.
How do I care for Canadian hemlock with fertilizer?
Canadian hemlocks prefer to be fertilized infrequently.
How do I know when bunny ear cactus are ripe?
This plant will grow 2-3 feet tall and spread 4-6 feet as a mature plant.
When do I harvest bunny ear cactus?
You can harvest bunny ear cactus between 10 and 20 years.
Should I plant any companion plants?
Canadian hemlocks grow well with strong hardy plants like Hostas, Sweet Woodruffs, Lily of the Valley, or Ivory Sedge.
Canadian Hemlock Meaning
Hemlock poison was used for executions, and was associated with death and danger. However, the tree itself symbolizes protection and healing.

Don’t bother me, don’t follow me; There’s no one else I yearn to see: So fold away your memories; To cede beneath the Hemlock tree.
~Sarah Spang